  1Avoid making generational stereotypes.
  You don't have to look far to find a wealth of stereotypes aboutmillennials: they can’t work independently; they want constant praise; theydon’t want to pay their dues; and they’re obsessed withtechnology. The list goes on and on, just like it has for every generationbefore them. These stereotypes are far from being true across the board, andyou will do no favors for your relationships with your new colleagues if youassume they are. Treat them like individuals rather than representatives oftheir generation.
  2 Don’t get frustrated if things that are obvious to youaren't obvious to them.
  It might seem likecommon sense to you that (of course) employees shouldn't play on theirphones throughout meetings. And it may be a no-brainer to youthat they should speak up if they don’t have enough work to do. But these kindsof things aren't always obvious to workplace newbies. It can be easy to think,“Well, I would have known that when I was just starting out” – and maybe youwould have. But your new co-workers might come from backgrounds where theyweren’t taught the same norms that you were, so give them the benefit of thedoubt at first. That doesn’t mean you should give bad behavior a pass, but itdoes mean it would be kind to patiently explain expectations that will helpthem succeed.
  3 Be very clear when assigning work.
  If you’re working on a project with a lessexperienced worker, be as explicit as possible about what asuccessful outcome should (and shouldn't) look like. Also, detail anyconstraints that need to be taken into account, resources they might use, whoneeds to be consulted, deadlines and other pieces of the work that you mightnormally take for granted. Spending a few extra minutes to make explicit the piecesthat feel implicit to you will likely pay off in better outcomes (andultimately save you time in the long run).
  4Don’t mother them.
  Agedifferences can bring out weird behavior in people. But just like you probablydon’t want younger co-workers relating to you like their parents, they don’twant you to try to parent them. That means you should cool it with anyunsolicited advice about their personal lives or whether they’re eatinghealthily enough. While behaving maternally orpaternally toward younger co-workers no doubt comes from a kind place, it’sundermining to youngprofessionals and their abilities to be taken seriously atwork.
  5Mentor people when you're willing to.
  Think back to when you were just starting out – there was probably asmall number of people who were especially helpful to you. Consider paying itforward now, by helping your new co-workers acclimate to office life. Take themout to lunch, make yourself available for questions, and generally be aresource and someone they can bounce things off of. It can be enormouslyfulfilling to watch someone you’ve mentored blossom under your guidance and goon to great things. (And they might even be hiring someday.)
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